kobraboy wrote in http://community.recordsforliving.com/forums/thread/719.aspx
PS: I also came across a reference to plugins. Do you have an API that we can use to develop our own?
If you go to http://www.recordsforliving.com/OpenHealthServices/ you should find the technical specifications for our OpenHealth Service (OHS) Plug-In APIs. You can download the Design Overview document as well as the Software Development Kit (SDK).
The SDK contains a bunch of samples, including Java, ASP .NET (C#) and XSLT. The SDK and use of the API is entirely free and your plug-ins should work with HealthFrame and HealthFrame Lite.
We have also begun an online catalog of OHS Plug-Ins (http://www.recordsforliving.com/OpenHealthServices/ServiceDirectory.aspx) where you can find more samples and maybe even publish some of your new Plug-Ins!
You will get a lot more detailed information from reading the design document and from the samples, but in a nutshell, OHS Plug-Ins are XML-based. You can access either ASTM Continuity of Care Record (CCR) or HealthFrame (http://www.recordsforliving.com/Schemas/) format. The API allows you to process the XML information – locally or remotely - and return HTML, a URL redirect, PDF, etc, using your favorite programming language/environment.
Let us know if you need any help getting started.
Support Team